Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow, Update, Snow, Infusion, Snow, Workouts, Snow, Food, Snow

I had my infusion on Friday. It was a long day-we left the house at 4:00 am (it was snowing so we wanted to leave a bit earlier than normal) and didn't get home until 9:30 pm. I slept on the way back, and then pretty much all weekend. I slept all weekend-my biggest side effect after infusion is always fatigue. By Monday morning, I felt a lot better, and by yesterday I was feeling like myself again. I went to the gym yesterday and did 20 minutes of cardio & 30 minutes of strength training. Oh, and 45 minutes of shoveling snow. Here I am after shoveling:

Whoa...we have had FOUR big snow storms in the past week. There is another storm on it's way tonight.

Seriously. SO MUCH SNOW!

The girls have had 4 school cancellations and 1 delay start due to storms. At this rate, they will be in school until July!

I went to the gym again this morning and did 30 minutes of cardio-proof:

I picked up coffee for a friend & I for an impromptu coffee date! I haven't seen my buddy Freda for awhile and I missed her. We had a nice chat and then I went through the car wash:

The girls had swim lessons at the Y, and then I took a Toning class-I've been taking this class on Wednesdays since it immediately follows their swim lessons. They join in and love it too!

Other than this past weekend (infusion), I have been eating really well. I have been tracking on the My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone consistently for the past 20 days. Here are a couple of meals I snapped pics of-

I made a batch of cauliflower rice and had it for lunch yesterday along with sliced cucumber and some leftover chicken breast:

Not the best pic, but this was some cod that I baked with sundried tomato & capers. I chopped up half a jicama and mixed it with a mashed avocado, salt and the juice of half a lime-fantastic!

Tonight, I had baked wild salmon and sautéed green beans & mushrooms (forgot to take a picture). For breakfasts, I've been having hard-boiled eggs with sugar snap peas. I'm eating lots of veggies and protein with limited carbs. I'm feeling great!

Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, thought I'd give a product rave. I have been looking for a new eye cream. I have a Clarisonic Opal that I absolutely love, but hadn't been using it. I started using it again and was reminded how much I love it, but needed a new eye cream. I need something that is really moisturizing, but gentle due to my eye disease. After reading a bunch of reviews, I decided to try this:

LOVE! it is so moisturizing and gentle. I absolutely love it! It works great with the Opal as well...Winner! I got it on Amazon for $11.00!

That is all for now...have a great evening!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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