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Monday, January 19, 2015


Last week was going great...I started the new program at the Y, got my Fitbit...and then BOOM-Suri woke up on Thursday morning with a high fever. Poor girl was so sick, and still is on Day FIVE! She started to get better this weekend, but has had off & on fevers and her throat hurts so we're taking her to the doctor this afternoon for a throat swab. I had to miss my first group workout on Thursday, but have done really well all weekend despite the sickness in the house. I have been tracking food on My Fitness Pal, consumed lots of fruits & veggies, made a couple of new recipes, and went out on a couple of walks. Yesterday morning, just when I thought Maya had somehow beat the illness, she woke up at 3:00 am with a raging fever. She was on the couch all day. Around 6:00 last night, I took her temperature about 40 minutes after her dose of Motrin, and it was 104. We freaked. I gave her a lukewarm bath and Anand made some ice packs to cool her with. We finally got it down to 101.8, but once the Motrin started wearing off, it went up again. I ran to the store to get some Tylenol so we could alternate every 3 hours. She slept well, and this morning at 5:00 her temp was 101.8. We kept alternating Motrin & Tylenol every 3 hours and it looks like her fever has broken. I am taking her to the Pediatrician as well just for a quick check since I am bringing Suri in.

So, it was an eventful weekend (well, five days actually!).

We did have some good times, though! I made the Asian salmon bowls again-so good! I also made a batch of cauliflower "rice" for a light lunch since we were making fish & chips for the football game last night. I made baked beans and Maya & I made some soft pretzels. I wore a couple of scarves-the beige with gold flecks was a gift from Stacy, and I also wore a blanket scarf for the first time-love them both! I gave myself a mani & pedi (matches my Fitbit! Ha!).

Taking care is sick kids and doing mountains of laundry took up a lot of my days, but we were able to squeeze in a couple of movies! We decided to watch a family movie-Avatar. I cannot believe that I had never seen this movie-it was SO good! Anand & I watched Gone Girl-I read the book and have been dying to watch the movie. It was good, but I definitely preferred the book.

On Sunday morning, we were almost out of Motrin, so I decided to WALK to Rite-Aid to pick some up. It was a 30 minute walk-not too long-but I definitely would have hopped in the car before. My Fitbit definitely motivated me to get activity in! For me, activity definitely leads to better eating habits (which in turn makes me feel better overall), so definitely a WIN!

So, the week ahead. Barring a miracle, the girls will be out of school tomorrow. I had to reschedule my dental cleaning, cancel Suri's voice/piano lessons, cancel Maya's guitar lesson, and I will miss my second group workout (ugh!). But, what can I do? My plan is to keep doing what I'm doing and get this house healthy! And hopefully I will not get immune system is compromised due to my treatments, but so far, so good.

How was your weekend?!

UPDATE: Maya tested positive for Influenza and was started on Tamiflu. Suri is too far out for Tamiflu, but she had a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. If she is not better by Wednesday, we need to take her back in. Early this morning, she had a fever again and was coughing like crazy. Currently, neither one has a fever. Suri ate a small breakfast. Maya seems to be fine. They are both lying down, eating popsicles, and watching tv.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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